Monday 6 February 2017

Get involved with BEYOND FURY

Question: Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

Answer: To help fund a classic movie (quite literally) in the making.

I've mentioned UK film-maker Darren Ward on these pages before. He's an ambitious film-maker with a real passion for his craft. He's directed two of the best (ultra-violent) crime thrillers to ever come out of this country (I shit thee not)
Sudden Fury was his first full feature length masterpiece, followed (over a decade later) with A Day Of Violence  (click the titles for my reviews, if you don't believe me?)

Well, his latest masterpiece BEYOND FURY (a direct sequel to 'Sudden Fury')  is two thirds completed (due to a lot of hard work, patient crew and a loyal fanbase) but the final third requires funding, to complete what will (surely) be one of the grittiest, nastiest, balls-to-the-wall crime thrillers from the UK (or any other country)

And your loyalty (however big or small) will be mutually rewarded by the cast and crew, with a set of amazing 'Perks' associated with the campaign.If you've ever fancied being an 'Executive Producer' or 'Star as an extra' or just 'See your name on the credits', then this campaign offers some attractive rewards (whilst at the same time, supporting the real British movie movement)

Take a look, at the 'INDIEGOGO' link below, and please give whatever you can to help a (largely, unsung) talent achieve his blood-soaked 'Trilogy' (The link details the perks, and features incredible footage of what has already been shot)

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